Ying-Te Julie Chen is a local 800 Production Designer based in Los Angeles. Originally from Taiwan, Julie has an MFA in Production Design from American Film Institute in Los Angeles. Her AFI thesis film “This Way Up” won the Student Academy Awards in 2015. She also earned a BFA in Fine Art from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA.

Her recent Production Design credit include: Netflix Series "Let's Talk About CHU" and HBO Asia/MAX Original Series "The Accidental Influencer".  “IKÉ Boys”, A coming of age feature film based in Japan and Oklahoma.  Among her projects, Julie designed “Little Big Women” in Taiwan, a family drama centered around three generations of complex women. The film got 6 nominations for 57th Golden Horse Award.  In 2018, Julie production designed for “Snatchers” in New Mexico and Utah, a comedy horror produced by Stage 13 (Warner Bros.). The feature film Julie designed in China, “End of Summer” won the KNN (Audience) award at the 2017 Busan International Film Festival. In 2015, Julie production designed for the internationally collaborated feature “Run for Love” in Norway; alongside director Hua-Tao Teng and lead actress Michelle Chen. She also worked on an independent feature “The Neighbor” featuring William Fichtner in the same year.

Julie loves the in depth character development that is unique to feature films yet enjoys working on different formats as well. She production designed an entire new TV series “How to Build Everything” for Discovery Science Channel in 2016. The short film “Wonderland” that Julie designed for, starring Joan Chen, won the HBO APA visionary award in 2017. She also designed a music video “Last Dance” for Japanese rock band One OK Rock and a sci-fi short “Skywatch” starring Jude Law.

Being born and raised in Taiwan and having lived on the East and West coast of the states, Julie has an innate understanding of both tangible and intangible cultural differences. Combining this understanding, her intuitive artistic sensibility, and interest in human psychology, she is especially good at transforming imagination into a world built with vision and narrative truth. Julie draws inspirations from her unique experiences to create a world that is undeniably realistic and incredibly personal. She values the collaborative process of a group of visual artists and always stays true to the unified vision.


出⽣於台灣⾼雄,加州藝術中⼼設計學院(Art Center College of Design) 藝術學⼠、美國電影學院 (AFI) 電影美術系藝術創作碩⼠。

Julie 主要工作於美國洛杉磯,精通英語與國語,這幾年所接的案子遍佈於北美、歐洲、與亞洲各地:這些作品也在釜山國際電影節、金馬影展、東京影展、美國奥斯丁电影節、全美電影節等各⼤國際影展放映。

2019年在台灣美術指導的電影《孤味》,入圍57屆金馬獎6項大獎,並獲得了金馬獎最佳女演員獎。2018由  Warner Bros.(美國華納兄弟)製作的網劇《SNATCHERS》第二季及第三季。另20168月在中國紹興拍攝完畢,由張家振監製,新生代導演周全指導,由譚卓、張頌文、顧寶明主演的電影《西小河的夏天》,參加2017年釜山國際電影節,並獲得KNN觀眾票選獎。其他作品包括:2016年 電影《奔爱》中滕華濤導演、陳妍希主演的挪威段落;探索頻道Discovery Science Channel 20166月全美電視上播放之電視節目第一季《How To Build Everything》;美國Disney Channel的全新電視試播集《Virtual High》;日本天王搖滾樂團ONE OK ROCKMV Last Dance》:以及今年初剛剛在Oklahoma州拍攝完畢的電影《IKÉ Boys》。